How To Program A DirecTV Remote To A Samsung TV? 2 Popular Ways

In this article, we present two popular and quick methods to program a DirecTV remote to a Samsung TV in no time.

We give you step-by-step instructions so you can do it even if you are not tech-savvy.

Read until the end of the article, as we even reveal common problems regarding control of your Samsung TV using your DirecTV remote. Dig into it now!

How To Program A Directv Remote To A Samsung Tv?

To program the DirecTV remote to the Samsung TV, first, we need to power on the DirecTV box.

Then hold Mute + Enter until the green light blinks.

Set the TV to DirecTV input, press Menu, go to Remote Control, Program Remote, select TV, and follow on-screen instructions.

Below is a detailed step-by-step guide to each method:

Automatic Setup

To program the DirecTV remote to the Samsung TV automatically, follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Prepare

Make sure your DirecTV remote and Samsung TV are both powered on and in close proximity.

Step 2: Initiate Automatic Setup

Press & hold the “Mute” & “Enter” buttons simultaneously on the DirecTV remote.

Keep them held down until you see the top of the remote light, which has green color, flash twice.

Automatic Setup

Step 3: Applying IR or RF Setup

Now your television will be switched to the so-called DirecTV input mode.

You will see a notification or message like this: “Applying IR or RF setup. Please wait…

Step 4: Start To Setting

Next, please press the “Menu” key on the remote of the DirecTV and choose Setting.

Step 5: Finalize Programming

Navigate to the so-called “Remote Control” & then choose “Program Remote.”

Now, you can pick what device you want to control. Please select your television on the provided list.

Then, you will see some instructions appearing on your TV screen.

Just confidently follow the guide and complete the programming process.

Step 6: Test Other Functions

Test other remote functions, such as volume control and channel navigation, to ensure everything works correctly.

If any function doesn’t work, go back to square one and try again.

Manual Setup

If the automatic setup didn’t work, you could try manually programming your DirecTV remote using these simple steps:

Step 1: Power On

Ensure your DirecTV remote & Samsung TV are both turned on and nearby.

Step 2: Find the Remote Code

Go to the DirecTV website and search for the remote codes for the Samsung television model.

Note down the code list for your TV model.

Manual Setup

Step 3: Put Remote In Manual Setup Mode

Press & hold the “Mute” & “Select” buttons together until the green light at the top of the remote flashes twice.

Step 4: Enter The Remote Code

Using the remote’s number buttons, please enter the remote code for your Samsung TV.

The light which has the green color will flash twice as the confirmation.

Step 5: Test The Setup

Aim the remote at your TV and press the “Power” button or volume button.

If the TV turns off or the volume function works, the programming is successful.

If not, repeat steps 3 and 4 with a different remote code.

Step 6: Finalize Programming

Once the TV responds to the remote, press the “Select” button to save the code.

The green light will flash twice as confirmation.

Step 7: Test Other Functions

Test other remote functions to ensure everything works correctly.

If any function doesn’t work, try programming using a different code from the list.

Some Problems When Programming DirecTV Remote To Samsung TV And Fixes

The Remote Control is Not Working

If your DirecTV remote is not working, check the batteries first.

Replace them if needed. Next, ensure the remote is in the correct mode for programming (AV1, DTV, or AV2).

If the issue persists, reset the remote by pressing & holding the “Mute” & “Enter” buttons simultaneously for a few seconds until the green light blinks twice.

Reprogram the remote as per the initial instructions.

If the issue persists, consider replacing the remote to resolve the problem.

Some Problems When Programming DirecTV Remote To Samsung TV

The Samsung Television is Not Responding

If your Samsung TV doesn’t respond during programming, make sure no obstructions between the remote and the TV.

The remote’s batteries should be in good condition.

Verify that the correct remote code for your Samsung TV model is used during programming.

Try alternative codes from the list provided in the user manual if the TV doesn’t respond initially.

Repeat the programming process carefully, following suit with all the steps.

The Remote Control Does Not Control All of the Functionality

The remote might require additional programming if it doesn’t control all TV functions.

After successfully programming your DirecTV remote using the steps provided, try using the “Volume” and “Channel” buttons to check if they work.

If not, reprogram the remote using a different code from the list.

Some Samsung TVs may require multiple codes for full functionality.

Test each code until all functions work as expected.

Other Problems

If you face issues when programming your DirecTV remote to your Samsung TV, try rebooting your TV and the receiver.

Turn off both devices and unplug them from the power source.

Please wait for a minute & then plug them back in.

Power them on and attempt the programming process again.

Rebooting can help resolve connectivity glitches and restore normal functioning.


Now you know how to program a direcTV remote to a Samsung TV.

Read the instructions first, understand the whole process, and then proceed.

It may entail quite many steps with little details, but the action is really quick.

You can find it quite easy and simple. In no time, you can enjoy seamless control of your Samsung television.

Don’t let remote troubles hinder your streaming experience.

Try our guide out now and enjoy your favorite shows with ease!

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Hi! I’m David — a writer, blogger, and proud owner of Smarterve. I’ve been using smart home gadgets and in the home industry for about a decade. I love to solve problems, give suggestions, and create ease for people to enjoy life. This blog is where I can share tips and provide solutions to everyone using smart gadgets.

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